Morehill Clinic

About Us
Our staff, therapists and doctors will ensure that they provide the highest quality of care to all our patients.

Every decision made will be according to what is best for you. When you come to Morehill Clinic, you can rest assured that you have made the right choice for your healthcare and your future.

Morehill Vision
To be the leader and preferred choice in Physical Rehabilitation Care to all patients.

Morehill Mission
The mission of Morehill Clinic is to promote the health and well-being of our patients. We will provide accessible high quality Physical Rehabilitation Care. Morehill Clinic is committed to providing, innovative, compassionate and family centered care for our patients. We will exceed expectation in Service Excellence.

Morehill Values

Excellence in Service will make us the leaders in our industry.

We monitor staff competencies and provide ongoing training to ensure quality care.

We serve all patients, family and staff with dignity.

We assure our mission by remaining leaders in our industry.

We will work with the community to fulfil the Department of Health’s vision: Equal Health For All.

Family Support
Through the understanding and care we will:
•Involve the family in goal setting & ongoing care, for positive patient recovery outcomes.
•Plan of discharge, home care and health in an environment that is safe, accessible and made convenient for the patient.
•Training family and patient in exercises, use of special devices, managing problems and adjusting to a changing life role.

Our Rehabilitation Team Consists of:

•Rehabilitation Nurses
•Occupational therapists
•Speech and Language therapists

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